
Aadam Ali

I’m a fitness coach who writes hard-hitting, evidence-based fitness content that makes all this training and nutrition stuff simple to understand.

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💊 Is full-body training better for fat loss?

Hey, It's time for another instalment of the Vitamin––the weekly fitness newsletter that helps you be healthier, stronger, and leaner while navigating fitness bullshit. Is full-body training better for fat loss? As far as muscle and strength gain are concerned, the way you set up your training split doesn’t seem to matter all that much as long as you’re doing enough training volume each week. [1] But what about fat loss? Could a certain training split be better for shedding body fat? That’s...

Hey, It's time for another instalment of the Vitamin––the weekly fitness newsletter that helps you be healthier, stronger, and leaner while navigating fitness bullshit. The stuff that *actually* matters The wellness industry wants you to believe you have to optimise every iota of your life to be healthy, and it’s bullshit. In reality, if you do the following, you’re ticking almost all the boxes for being fit and healthy. Body composition Body composition – i.e. muscle and body fat – have a...

Ayo, Guess what I did this weekend? Don't worry, I'll tell you. Potty training. Yep. Amara started to show signs she was interested in the potty. Like, for example, taking off her nappy, standing next to the potty, and peeing herself while standing next to the potty. Not on it. Next to it. For the uninitated, allow me to explain what potty training consists of. We decided we didn't hate ourselves enough so we opted for the three-day intensive approach that claims your child will be potty...

Hey, It's time for another instalment of the Vitamin––the weekly fitness newsletter that helps you be healthier, stronger, and leaner while navigating fitness bullshit. The optimal number of steps Okay, yes. I know, I know. I've written a lot about step counts. However, this new study [1] was a very thorough review and analysis of the research on the topic so far, and I thought it was worth discussing to help give us a better idea of how many steps we should be taking. So let's get into it....

Hey, It's time for another instalment of the Vitamin––the weekly fitness newsletter that helps you be healthier, stronger, and leaner while navigating fitness bullshit. An actual fat loss hack There's no shortage of fat loss hacks in the fitness space. From magical supplements claiming to 'boost' your metabolism and turn you into a 'fat-burning furnace' (whatever the fuck that means) or fitness influencers incessantly prancing around the gym, believing their workouts are burning thousands of...

Heyo, I'm currently solo parenting because Kris is away for work. Unfortunately for me, Amara's going through a major mum phase, which resulted in her waking up at 9:30 pm, crying and asking for Kris. And as I sat there, being slapped by a cacophony of crying and "NO!" and "MUMMY!", I had a few realisations– I used to think I was a patient person until I had a kid. Turns out, I'm not patient at all; I was just really good at swerving people's bullshit. Productivity isn't spending 3 hours...

Hey, It's time for another instalment of the Vitamin––the weekly fitness newsletter that helps you be healthier, stronger, and leaner while navigating fitness bullshit. How much food tracking is enough to manage body weight? Most people should track their food intake, even if it's only for a short period of time. I've said this before, but food tracking is like 'training wheels' for nutrition; it teaches you about food and your own eating habits. Once you've tracked for a while, you learn...

Hey, It's time for another instalment of the Vitamin––the weekly fitness newsletter that helps you be healthier, stronger, and leaner while navigating fitness bullshit. The major problems with trying to out-train your diet Read on website ↗ In theory, you could exercise more and lose weight. After all, a calorie deficit is a calorie deficit. So, whether you create that deficit by reducing your food intake or increasing your physical activity, you should end up with the same result, right? In...

Hey, It's time for another instalment of the Vitamin––the weekly fitness newsletter that helps you be healthier, stronger, and leaner while navigating fitness bullshit. Do you really need to delay your morning coffee? (and other caffeine myths) I'm sitting here at 3 am writing this newsletter because my daughter decided that, instead of sleeping, she would much rather wake up at this ungodly hour and sing "head, shoulders, knees, and toes." So after 15 mins of touching my head, shoulders,...

Hey, It's time for another instalment of the Vitamin––the weekly fitness newsletter that helps you be healthier, stronger, and leaner while navigating fitness bullshit. Quick note: This email is taken from my new fat loss program, Acceler8, which will launch in the next few weeks. 150 people have already signed up for the prelaunch and will get access to the program before everyone else at a discounted price. If you want to learn how to eat and train in a way that maximises fat loss without...